Potala, o.p.s.

Support victims of the earthquake in Tibet

On April 14, 2010, an earthquake magnitude 7.1 hit the Yushu Prefecture, the largest Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai Province (China). Nearly 90% of the buildings of main city of the prefecture, Jiegu, was destroyed, leaving thousands of people trapped in the rubble and hundreds of thousands of people homeless.

At the moment, the living conditions of the population in the tent camps are still dramatic. Conditions of hygiene are extremely serious, there is no water and there are no toilet facilities. Breeding grounds for tuberculosis are endangering the health of thousands of people. In this period there is a real emergency: the freezing winter has brought the lives of these people to the limits of survival. At Yushu the winter lasts almost all year and in these months, the temperature goes down to minus 30°.

Our partners organisation for this project large Italian Humanitarian Organisation Asia Onlus has just concluded the fifth distribution of aid to the people of Yushu.

Collection continues act immediately!

Suport just now
on special transparency bank account
variable symbol: 108
message to the recipient: earthquake TIBET


Potala, o. s. a Dzogchen, o. s. organizují sbírku v ČR ve spolupráci s ASIA Onlus. Pro aktuální a další informace navštivte webové stránky:
www.asia-ngo.org/en www.potala.cz nebo www.dzogchen.cz

Společnost Člověk v tísni se připojila ke spolupráci na veřejné sbírce pro oběti zemětřesení v tibetské oblasti Číny a uhradila ve dvou vlnách pomoci ze sbírky a fondu Klubu přátel celkem 1 932 000 korun. Svoji účast na sbírce již uzavřela. www.clovekvtisni.cz/index2.php?id=854.

People in Yushu still need us to help

The fifth distribution of aid to the people of Yushu which was hit by an earthquake last April 14th has just concluded. Thanks to your help warm and water-proof tents to 826 families to help them confront the cold winter, thousands of solar panels and other necessary goods reaching a total of 14, 597 people could be distributed.

You have made possible such great achievement.
Thank you.

Many people in Yushu still need us to help them find hope in the future. We won’t stop now.

What can bring your contribution:

200 Kč    blanket
300 Kč    metal stove and chimney
350 Kč    basic food to survive for a person (one meal a day for one month)
550 Kč    bed
7 000 Kč winter family tent

Even a small contribution of CZK 50 can really help. Tsampa per person a day is only 13Kč.

How can you specifically help?

  • Donate on special transparency account of Potala NGO: 2788704036/5500, variable symbol: 108, earthquake Tibet
  • Place the banner on your web

  • Help us spread the word about this appeal.

Sbírka získala mediální podporu:

  • Mladá Fronta a.s. – http://www.mf.cz/
  • Centrum Holdings – http://www.centrumholdings.com/
  • Internet Info, s.r.o. – http://www.iinfo.cz/
  • Turistika.cz – http://www.turistika.cz/
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